
Find the answers to your questions about our solution, partnership and everything in-between. Contact us if you need any help.

Is the marketing a direct value add to the merchants that we can charge as a separate fee?

Yes, Valyrion’s systems can detect which orders are associated with the marketing initiatives from our partner BNPL and Valyrion, and can bill merchants accordingly for those specific orders, customers, and amounts.

Will this require the merchant to give us access to their data?

Yes, through integration with plug-ins, cookies, and scripts, we can extract the necessary data without the merchant having to do anything beyond granting access during the integration process.

Does Valyrion have a testing environment?

Yes, and while Valyrion does have a testing environment, the initial intention with the collaboration is that the BNPL will not have to use any organizational resources on creating the marketing content as this will be done by Valyrion using our software assisted by our trained in-house specialists. If a testing environment is needed, we would be able to provide any necessary documentation prior to or after a technical call.

Is the Valyrion solution only able to expose our consumers via app content?

The Valyrion software is able to deliver hyper-relevant and dynamic content to each end-consumer via a messaging mix of the following: 1) app push notifications, 2) in-app ads, 3) in-app pop-ups, 4) web-based ads, and 5) e-mails. So, the Valyrion software is not only able to deliver content via app but also via web and e-mails.

When are Valyrion and the BNPL able to charge an affiliate fee as a marketing cost? And is this an addition to the normal charge that the merchant pays when the end-consumer chooses to shop with BNPL?

The affiliate model of Valyrion and the BNPL is that, whenever we expose a customer to a product or a merchant, and the customer afterward places an order at the merchant's webshop within 30 days, we and the BNPL charge a cut of between 8-20% no matter the payment method or the items of the order. This will therefore be an addition to the current normal charge that the merchant pays when the customer chooses to shop with BNPL, given that the customer that we have exposed chooses the BNPL payment method.

Who is in control of designing, running, and managing the campaigns?

Valyrion's marketing experts oversee designing, running, and managing the campaigns. We have a lot of experience with this, and data from current collaborations in terms of best practices to increase the conversion rate of these marketing efforts tells us that this is the most efficient division of responsibilities. Furthermore, the predictive models of Valyrion will determine which products and merchants are marketed towards each customer, with for example re-targeting campaigns based on e.g. 1) Products looked at, 2) Products saved, 3) Products left in shopping cart.
Thereby, the merchant and the BNPL, bear no costs or time expenditure associated with the marketing. With that said, the BNPL and the merchant can of course influence the marketing content in terms of heartbeat touchpoint, such as wording, colors, images, etc., to their desired extent.

Can you explain the partnership model between Valyrion and the BNPL – who does what? And what does the merchant do?

The partnership model of Valyrion and the BNPL is a strategic partnership in which the BNPL fronts this marketing solution towards the merchants and the customers. This means that the merchants agree to receive Cost-per-action-driven marketing from the BNPL and the customers receive marketing from the BNPL domains such as the e-mail, website, and app. Furthermore, the BNPL handles most interactions with merchants regarding sales and technical onboardings (Installation of Valyrion Plug-ins, Cookies, and Scripts). On the other hand, Valyrion delivers all the software, plug-ins, cookies, scripts, predictive models, and marketing efforts related to this marketing. Based on this the BNPL and the merchants would have no initial cost related to this solution, but would have some initial time resources allocated to get this up and running. But when this is completed, the time spent on this collaboration from the BNPL and the merchants would be close to non-existing.

To sum it up: Valyrion's intended partnership model does not require any upfront capital from the BNPL or the merchants and is it entirely based on sharing revenue.

Are you compatible with all sorts of e-commerce platforms?

We are able to be compatible with all sorts of e-commerce platforms. Today we have plug-ins for all major CMS´ and also the ability to do a custom CMS integration via API. We would also be willing to develop plug-ins for CMS´ that are unique to the BNPL's country or other CMS´ that we do not currently have plug-ins for. Therefore the Valyrion plug-in is a separate plug-in for the merchant to install, which of course could be done simultaneously with installing the BNPL plug-in.

How should the BNPL go about onboarding this solution to its merchants?

Most technical onboardings towards merchants can be done automatically by the merchant itself, by following our guides and downloading our plug-ins. If the merchant would request an onboarding session this could be done via an online meeting which could be done in 15-30 minutes or by the merchant giving a BNPL employee login details to their CMS where the employee can implement the plug-in, cookies, and scripts themselves. Valyrion will of course educate every relevant employee from the BNPL to teach them how to properly do this technical onboarding.

How would a BNPL sell this to a merchant?

In our current partnerships, we have had great success with selling this solution to existing merchants via online meetings, with a presentation of the marketing solution made by Valyrion, which also could be used by the BNPL. Furthermore, we have had great success with selling the marketing solution to new merchants as well, which has been done simultaneously with the sale to the merchant of the BNPL payment solution.

How secure is the data once it has been collected?

Valyrion strives to always deliver the highest standards in terms of the security of data. We, in our current partnerships, have rather strict data policies as these operate within the European Union and under data laws from, for example, the Danish government and the European Union, which is known for some of the most rigorous data security policies in the world. Valyrion can deliver a whitepaper to the BNPL explaining data security and handling of data if we decide to move forward in the partnership exploration process.